MAC阀门公司是气动和流体阀门,比例阀,流量控制和调节器技术的全球制造领导者。 MAC成立于1948年,专注于建立和保持我们作为市场技术领导者的地位,自此积累了80多项与气动阀门及其辅助部件相关的专利。
MAC Valves, Inc. is a global manufacturing leader in pneumatic and fluid valves, proportional valves, flow control and regulator technology. MAC was founded in 1948 with a focus on establishing and maintaining our position as the technological leader in our market, having since amassed over 80 patents related to pneumatic valves and their auxiliary components.
With our presence on four continents globally, and representation in every major industrial market in the world through the MDN (MAC Distributor Network), MAC has a global presence to support our customers’ need to keep their machines running profitability around the clock, around the world.